Global Fluoro Elastomer Market Study, 2014-2025: This report presents the worldwide Fluoro Elastomer market size (value, demand, supply, production and consumption), splits the data further by manufacturers, regions, types and applications from 2014 to 2025.

Fluoropolymers & Fluoroelastomer Word Economics Model, the combined total consumption of the three major fluoroelastomers is forecast to grow at an average annual rate of around 3.5 to 5% through 2025, with higher than average for countries like China and India.

A major portion of fluoroelastomer production goes into manufacturing of o-rings & gaskets for industries such as aerospace, automotive, chemical processing, food & pharmaceuticals and semiconductor fabrications. Asia-Pacific is the largest market in terms of flurorelastomers consumption and is further expected to increase its market share in the short, mid and long-term forecast.

Fluoroelastomers are polymers that contain fluorine. Fluorocarbon Elastomers (FKM) accounts for more than 80% of the total fluoroelastomer demand. It is made up of two or more monomer units which can crystallize if the bulky side group is not incorporated at the intervals. This bulky group makes FKM amorphous in nature. Commercial FKM is made from vinyl monomers such as difluroethylaene (VDF) and tetrafluoroethylene (TFE).

The growth opportunities for fluoroelastomers (Fluorocarbon, Fluorosilicone, and Perfluoroelastomer) and other engineering plastics in the automotive industry are primarily linked with the industrys drive for lower emission and increased fuel efficiency. Fluoroelastomers also provides the option of replacement of metals with plastics to reduce the weight of the vehicle, achieving fuel efficiency.

Read more: Fluoro Elastomer Market Research Report 2018 2025


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