Fluoroelastomers are a type of synthetic rubber which offers extraordinary resistance to chemicals, oil and heat, along with an expected service life above 200°C. This material possesses a high ratio of fluorine to hydrogen, outstanding heat stability due to absence of saturation, and exceptional oil resistance compared to other rubbers. Fluoroelastomers are categorised based on their properties and are divided into three broader categories FKM, FFKM & FEPM. FKM accounts for (80 %+) of the all fluoroelastomer and shows finest balance of all properties, with high heat resistance, improved low temperature performance and base resistance. The second type of fluoroelastomers are FFKM category, which have extraordinary fluid resistance, and high temperature resistance. The third category is FEPM which is used in aerospace applications.

Fluoroelastomers are widely used in automobile sector due to their incomparable resistance to heat, and sealing and mechanical properties. In case of short working periods fluoroelastomers can work at very high temperatures, but for a longer duration, its working range is –26°C to 205-230°C (except a few which can work at a temperature of 3270 C). Industries like automobiles and aerospace require specialised products like hoses and gaskets where fluoroelastomers are used. They are also used in fiber optic cables as jacketing materials. The oil and gas industry uses fluoroelastomers as sealing and contaminant solutions for extreme climates.

The global fluoroelastomers market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4%- 5% through 2020. Asia Pacific is expected to be emerge as the largest consumers of fluoroelastomers in the near future due to rapid technological advancements and increasing application industries. Major market players are focusing on the Asia Pacific region to increase their market share and profitability.

Read more: Significant Profits Estimated to be Generated by Fluoroelastomer Market by 2014-202

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